The Official ODI LOST Podcast
The ODI LOST Podcast - Weekly Episode Recaps, Interviews & More

ODI Podcast 49 - Season 6 Premiere Recap Part 1
Wow what a great premiere! We got several answers but in classic LOST fashion a ton more questions?
In Part 1 we completely breakdown the LA X Parallel time line and provide you with our theories on what is happening. Part 2 will be posted later today on this same post, so be sure to check back.
ODI Podcast 48 - Interview With Erika Olsen From LongLiveLocke
A little over four months ago we recorded an interview with LOST Recapper Erika Olson, who posts her recaps on DarkUFO amd has her own site
At the time it was Erika's first ever podcast and we talked to her about how she began doing recaps, her thoughts on Season 5 and we all talked about Season 6. The day we recorded the podcast was the same day the title for the Season 6 premiere was released and each one of us guessed what "LA X" could mean and what we thought would happen.
Check out the podcast and find out how close we were or how crazy our theories are! I will say one of us got pretty close to guessing what would happen.
ODI Podcast 47 - Interview With Billy Ray Gallion and More!
A Super-Sized podcast with three main segments. The first segment is Anil, Karen, and myself catching up and providing our thoughts and expectations for Season 6. The second segment is an interview that Karen and Anil did with actor Billy Ray Gallion who plays Randy Nations (aka Locke's Boss at the Box Company). The third segment is the spoiler segment, which is the first half a spoilers podcast Anil did with his good friend Mister Payne.
ODI Podcast 46 - Interview With New LOST Cast Member
In this podcast Karen and Anil interview a new cast member of LOST who has a minor role in season 6, but is also an actor with a recurring role on the show Heroes.
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